Original Cinemaniac

Movie Reviews by Dennis Dermody

Screams of a Summer Night

            Yes, I must confess, I collect movie stills where actors are screaming or trembling with fear. They always make me laugh. Those freeze-frame publicity shots of mock fright and terror. There’s something so ludicrous and wonderful about them. I have…
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Look in Any Window

            Turner Classic Movies this month is scheduling each day with an all-day tribute to a different star. On August 4ththey are devoting the day to Ruth Roman, the husky-voiced, sexy, character actress who was always better than most of the…
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Jack Be Nimble

            One of the rarest, weirdest, most fabulously fucked-up, movies- Jack be Nimble– is getting a gorgeous Blu-ray release from Altered Innocence. If you’ve never seen it prepare to have your brain scrambled.              Alexis Arquette is Jack, Sarah Smutts-Kennedy is his…
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Neon Lights

             Neon Lights is an inventively twisted psychological thriller that’s more like a nightmare glimpse inside a disordered mind.             Clay (Dana Abraham) is a tech giant and visionary, but he is starting to lose it. There is even a threat…
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