Original Cinemaniac

Movie Reviews by Dennis Dermody

Film Focus: Kim Novak

            Anyone who knows me well knows that the one thing you can’t say Is anything disparaging about actress Kim Novak.              Critically maligned through the years, even Alfred Hitchcock dismissed her acting in his masterpiece Vertigo, to which Francois Truffaut, who…
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Hitchhike to Hell

            I used to love hitchhiking. I remember defiantly announcing to my father I wasn’t going to get a driver’s license and he angrily asked, “How the hell are you going to get around?” “I’ll hitchhike,” I sarcastically replied. And that’s…
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The Sublime Eleanor Powell

            Fayard Nicholas (of the legendary Nicholas Brothers dancing duo) said about dancer Eleanor Powell (dubbed the “Queen of tap”), “Eleanor Powell was one of the greatest, period, bar none. Not only one of the greatest women- one of the greatest,…
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            Alright, I admit I am fearful of spiders. I understand their importance in the ecological chain of things. And their webs are a thing of beauty. But if I ever see an eight-legged critter skitter across the kitchen floor my…
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