I used to appear weekly on Frank De Caro’s radio show (with wonderful co-host Doria Biddle) and talk about Blu-rays and DVDs coming out and people would call in and ask why I didn’t have my own website. I never had a good answer for that. Why didn’t I? I’ve been ranting about crackpot films in print at Paper Magazine for a million years but a lot of that never was online. So here goes nothing…hope you get a few laughs and maybe be turned on to some demented film you’ve never heard of. I’m always thrilled when someone suggests some noxious gem I’ve never heard of. So let me pay it fucking forward…
Why I Started A Damn Blog….

I’m so glad you decided to do this. I will visit often!
I loved you on The Frank Decaro Show. I didn’t always agree with you critiques but they were always entertaining. Being a movie lover I look forward to reading you blog and catching up on your recommendations. I miss you, Frank and Doria. Good to see you here!
Congratulations on your blog, Dennis, great idea, love it.
I miss hearing you on Frank & Doria’s show! Best of luck on your website.
I am so happy you set this up, don’t turn your back on it too soon tho. It will become a burden yes & soon. You will wake up in cold sweats realizing you spelled things wrong. You will have to give up going outside to fulfill your obligation to post something new & witty, you will forget to shower, eat, even watch movies! But have fun! I will be watching & spellchecking. A fan. Yes a real hard blowing one too. Love your locks!