Salute To Sadism

We’ve all worked for a sadist or lived with one. One night I woke up to find my date staring at me intently in the dark. “Let me break just one finger?” he begged, “Just one. You have nine others…”…
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We’ve all worked for a sadist or lived with one. One night I woke up to find my date staring at me intently in the dark. “Let me break just one finger?” he begged, “Just one. You have nine others…”…
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Do you remember all those “No Spitting” signs in the subway that threatened fines and arrest and imprisonment? I was fascinated by them as a kid. I’d ask my parents repeatedly why spitting was such a criminal act, but they…
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This year’s five-day festival at the IFC Center (March 20-24th) is so damn good it makes me angry. There are just too many great sounding films this year. I read the schedule and needed to see almost every one of…
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A great month for Blu-ray digital restorations of film noir classics (Detour, Phantom Lady), to lesser known Douglas Sirk (The Tarnished Angels), to Todd Haynes’ glorious Sirkian film (Far From Heaven), to beloved low-rent horror movies like Invasion Of The…
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Because I go to movies all the time it causes many misconceptions. “Oh, he’ll see anything” is a phrase I’ve often heard. But guess what? As the days dwindle down to a precious few, there are plenty of movie genres…
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