A horror/western hybrid with a good cast, that you wish was better and scarier than it is.

After a botched train robbery, the Dalton gang heads for a nearby town to get medical attention for their wounded leader Duncan (Zachary Knighton). Duncan’s innocent, younger brother Jake (Devin Druid) has been dragged into this heist and rides along with his long-time protector Lester (Stan Shaw) and other members of the lawless posse, including a mysterious girl (Natasha Bassett) they discover chained inside a trunk on the train. When they arrive at the seemingly uninhabited town, they find a bustling bordello filled with women eager to serve them drinks and sensually drag them to their rooms, but all is definitely not right. They soon realize it a nest of shape-shifting witches.

It is kind of cool premise and the cast is terrific, including the wonderful Pat Healy (The Innkeepers), Melora Walters (Magnolia), Noah Segan (Knives Out), and the always sensational Bill Sage (Mysterious Skin). Young Devin Druid is quite affecting as the sweet kid, as is Zachary Knighton as his devoted brother.

When the siege between the cowboys and the coven begin, there are some great creepy touches, like a hungry gang member ingesting broken glass and a raven that horrifically claws its way out of a body. Unfortunately, as the gang is boxed in, so is the audience, and a sense of exhaustion sets in. Director Aaron B. Koontz does the best he can with the material.
(Now available in theaters, on Demand and Digital.)