Are there chestnuts roasting on an open fire at your house this Christmas season? Probably not, unless you live in California and your home is ablaze. Is Jack Frost nipping at your nose? Well, call the police. Yuletide carols being sung by a choir isn’t very likely outside your apartment building unless it’s a bunch of alcoholics from the bar on the corner. And don’t get me started on “And Folks Dressed Up Like Eskimos.” Appropriation, anyone?
Wouldn’t you rather be spending your Christmas with movie stars? Like the ones in these studio press photos I have been collecting for some time. All these actors and actresses look like they are in a state of bliss, but they are probably itching to get out of those fancy duds, get in their cars and meet up with their married co-stars at some sleazy motel for a hot fuck. Or they just want to go home, kick off their shoes, and beat their children. (Adopted, or otherwise). But the following pictures inhabit another dimension- where’s it’s Christmas all the time and you are stinking rich and there are presents everywhere at your feet to tear open and then gleefully throw away. As Tennessee Williams so aptly put it in A Streetcar Named Desire, “I don’t want realism, I want magic!”

Bette Davis

Lucille Ball

Diana Dors

Ozzie & Harriet & Ricky & David

Vincent Price

Nat King Cole

Susan Hayward

Rin Tin Tin

Jayne Wyman

Jayne Mansfield

Diana Ross

Mary Tyler Moore

Natalie Wood


Sandra Dee

Debbie Reynolds

Jane Fonda

Doris Day

Rita Hayworth

Ava Gardner

Audrey Hepburn

Betty Grable

Sophia Loren

Elizabeth Taylor

Frank Sinatra

Lana Turner

Jimmy Stewart

Joan Collins

Kim Novak

Elvis Presley

Shirley Temple

Esther Williams

Barbara Eden

Anna May Wong

Joan Crawford

Loretta Young

Thanks for the memories so wonderful to see such a great selection!