Original Cinemaniac

Movie Reviews by Dennis Dermody

TV Reboots

Reboots of older TV series seem to be the rage now. Some like Will & Grace and Roseanne have been surprisingly successful. Others like The X-Files not so much. Lost In Space, now streaming on Netflix, is a big leap…
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Celebrity CD-Don’ts

About the only LPs I’ve saved are those disastrously bad personality platters like A Dramatic Reading With Music (MGM), Sebastian Cabot’s 1967 hilariously pompous interpretations of Bob Dylan songs. Then there’s Way Out West (Tower), Mae West’s campy rock ‘n’…
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Nuns Gone Wild

Not having been raised Catholic my only exposure to nuns was in the movies, and these were primarily feel-good stories-  Audrey Hepburn in The Nun’s Story, Debbie Reynolds in The Singing Nun, Ingrid Bergman in The Bells Of St. Mary’s,…
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