Dennis Dermody
November 5, 2018
They don’t call it “fall” for nothing. There’s a definite unfriendly chill in the air. Leaves are turning riotous colors somewhere, but not near you. (To be honest I always thought old dead leaves colorfully camouflaging their demise to be…
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Dennis Dermody
November 1, 2018
In the new film Boy Erased, Lucas Hedges plays a young man sent to a gay conversion therapist by his Baptist preacher father (Russell Crowe) and mother (Nicole Kidman). What director Joel Edgerton does so well, adapting the autobiographical book…
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Dennis Dermody
October 24, 2018
When people ask what I do for a living, as a film critic my response is always: “I sit in the dark.” Which sometimes begs the reply: “Oh, like a vampire?” Well, not exactly. But I do feel a real…
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Dennis Dermody
October 21, 2018
Contrary to popular belief your life does not flash before your eyes at the moment of death. I discovered this the hard way while standing on a step ladder to check out my VHS copy of The Night God Screamed…
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Dennis Dermody
October 17, 2018
In a beloved episode of the Twilight Zone called “Living Doll,” a girl’s baby doll threatens her hateful stepdad, played by Telly Savalas, icily declaring “my name is Talky Tina and I am going to kill you” before sending him…
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Dennis Dermody
September 21, 2018
Rebel and renaissance man Richard Grieco’s career is as confounding as it is preposterous. Starting out as a Calvin Klein model and a soap opera hunk (he played playboy Rick Gardner on One Life To Live in the late 80s),…
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Dennis Dermody
September 19, 2018
How did I miss this 1973 film about a cross-dressing homicidal killer by the director of Shanty Tramp? Well for one, this Florida-made whack job of a film didn’t get much of a release. Thought to be lost, it turned…
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Dennis Dermody
September 16, 2018
When we trot off to a movie are we really going for the acting? Or is it that stirring of the secret trouser snake in all of us that compels us to go? I recall sitting in a movie theater…
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Dennis Dermody
September 13, 2018
My phone started ringing off the hook. “Al Adamson is dead!” Say it isn’t so. Not the infamous director of Satan’s Sadists, Blood Of Dracula’s Castle and The Naughty Stewardesses. God couldn’t be that vengeful. “And he was murdered!” You’re…
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Dennis Dermody
September 6, 2018
Finding that right actor for action film fame is a tricky business. Bruce Willis found popularity with the Die Hard franchise but then there was Hudson Hawk. Keanu Reeves struck gold with Speed but it was years before John Wick…
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