Original Cinemaniac


Dumb Dinosaurs

            Most kids love dinosaurs. I remember when I was very young being dazzled by an ad on the back of a comic book that offered a 6 ft. Tyrannosaurus Rex. I sent in my money and weeks later a thin…
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WTF Film Festival 2

            A while back I wrote an article about a series of movies I call WTF Cinema– films that are so whacked-out and weird they defy quick characterization. But since then, I realized there were plenty of titles I forgot. Movies…
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The Ballad Of Dwight Frye

            A mysterious ship sails into a London port, seemingly without a crew. Authorities apprehensively board the vessel to find countless bloodless bodies. They approach a hold, hearing a demonic cackle, and up rises Renfield, the doomed, possessed slave of Count…
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Celebrity Skin Purses

            In Hollywood, “tuck” is not what you do to your children at night. Sometimes it’s a porn star’s name, but usually it’s something that you do to your body. To stay off the ravages of time, actors and actresses whittle…
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Gay For Pay

            It distresses me to hear all the arguments concerning straight actors playing gay roles. Those who think only gay actors should be offered gay roles are also limiting gay actors at what they are allowed to play. I thought it…
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Richard E. Cunha Rules!

            I’ve been shocked lately when I ask friends what they’ve been watching in their social-distancing caves. Quite a few cheerily admit, “Contagion,” or, worse yet, “Outbreak.” To me that’s like being in a house on fire and instead of rushing…
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